European Distributor Network

EU & UK Regulatory

EDN is a company that provides regulatory consulting, safety, and efficacy testing services for cosmetic products.

EDN is a company that provides regulatory consulting, safety, and efficacy testing services for cosmetic products. With over 8 years of experience in the industry and a large number of satisfied clients from around the globe, we are confident that we are the perfect solution for you!

EDN Cosmetics Regulatory Services can assist you in meeting all the regulatory requirements set by the EU and UK cosmetics regulations. This will allow you to successfully launch your products in the EU and UK markets.

Why choose us?

Knowledge and Experience

With over 10 years of industry experience, our regulatory consultants possess degrees in cosmetology, have attended numerous courses, and consistently stay updated on regulatory changes. We are experts in all matters related to cosmetics regulation.


Immediate replies are also a reason why our processes are fast. We offer a flexible working schedule, ensuring that you receive prompt replies, even if you reside and work in a different time zone. Responsiveness is often cited as one of our strongest points by our clients.

Fast and easy process

We simplify the processes and regulatory requirements by offering a range of templates, document examples, videos, and other IT solutions. Our goal is to expedite the process and make it easy to understand.

One-stop shop

We provide all necessary regulatory and testing services in one place, eliminating the need to search for multiple service providers. With one contact person, you can navigate the entire process seamlessly.

Cosmetics Regulatory Service Packages

You can order any of our services individually or choose a package that best suits your needs.
Contact us to receive an offer.


What’s included


What’s included


What’s included


Cosmetic Product Classification and Formula Compliance

Not every product that we consider a cosmetic in our everyday life would be classified as a cosmetic in the EU and the UK. Not every product classified as a cosmetic in the USA would be classified as a cosmetic in the EU and the UK. We can assist you in determining whether your product qualifies as a cosmetic product or not. You can also check the definition of cosmetic products in the EU and UK here.


Product Information File (PIF) Review and Preparation

Before placing a product on the market, it is necessary to prepare a Product Information File (PIF). In general, the Product Information File contains the product formula, various finished product specifications, raw materials, packaging specifications, and tests. CE.way lets you know which documents need to be included in the PIF and prepares the PIF.


Stability and Compatibility Test​

Cosmetics stability and compatibility testing indicates the level of relative stability of a product under various conditions it may be subjected to, from the moment of manufacturing until the end of its shelf life. It also assesses the product’s compatibility with its packaging. Stability and compatibility testing is the foundation for determining the shelf life of a cosmetic product.


Challenge test​

Not every product that we consider a cosmetic in our everyday life would be classified as a cosmetic in the EU and the UK. Not every product classified as a cosmetic in the USA would be classified as a cosmetic in the EU and the UK. We can assist you in determining whether your product qualifies as a cosmetic product or not. You can also check the definition of cosmetic products in the EU and UK here.


Labelling and Claims Review

Specific rules apply when it comes to labeling cosmetic products in the EU and UK. Certain information must be included on labels, while other content is not allowed. An important aspect of labeling is also cosmetic product claims. We provide guidance on labeling requirements, check your labels, and work with you to ensure compliance.


Safety Assessment (CPSR)

Safety assessment is a crucial component of the Product Information File. It can only be conducted by properly qualified professionals who then determine whether the product is safe and compliant with the EU and UK cosmetics regulations or not. CE.way can conduct the safety assessment for you.


CPNP and SCPN Notification

The final pre-market requirement is to notify your products to the CPNP (Cosmetic Products Notification Portal) and/or to the SCPN (Submit Cosmetic Product Notifications). CPNP and SCPN are online portals where specific product information needs to be uploaded.


EU/UK Cosmetic Responsible Person

Each product placed on the EU and UK market needs to have a Responsible Person (RP) based in the EU/UK assigned. The main task of a responsible person is to ensure that cosmetic products comply with EU Regulation 1223/2009 and UK Schedule 34 to the Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. CE.way takes over this role and ensures that your products comply with the cosmetics legislation in the EU and UK.

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